Step 1
Read the step by step directions below
Read the step by step directions below
Complete the enrollment form on JoineNEXA website.
Gain access to your Join Nexa account!
Please go and set up your account! It is important that you do this as soon as you can..
You’re now in my direct downline and to make this process smooth, and get correct designation applied in the software you need to click on this link and enrollĀ Ā {enroll-link}
The enrollment is very straightforward…, it should take less than 5 min and I am including 3 slides that will explain how to complete it correctly (see arrows and text in each slide)
See exact stepsĀ below:
Shows a box with option to create your own link ( example, mine is renato)
Reach Out Anytime
Slide #2 – in billing address, please enter your own personal address and check shipping address to be the same as billing address (You’re not being billed for anything)
Slide #3 – check 2 boxes off with Terms and Agreements, and click on “Complete Enrollment” button
Reach Out Anytime